Securing .NET Web Application from Common Attacks

nvidia3dvision_1Web Application is so vulnerable to attacks especially if deals with money, sensitive information and/or business trade secrets. This is a big problem in the IT world and big funds are spend just to protect them from these attack.

Tips On Optimizing Frontend Web Application

"80-90%” of the end-user response time is spent on the frontend. Start there. 
-Steve Souders

What are Inversion of Control (IoC), DIP, DI, and IoC Container?

Many developers are confused about DIP, IoC, DI, and IoC Container. Well, we've been using the concept even the from the DOS mode era. It’s only when SOLID OOP Design and Design Patterns were introduced that made this popular. It is the D in the SOLID acronym which stands for Dependency Inversion Principle. New concepts were added of course.