Adapter Design Pattern

A Software Design Pattern that allows the interface of an existing class to be used from another interface. It is often used to make existing classes work with others without modifying their source code.

It helps two incompatible interfaces to work together.

Real Work Example

Adapter Design Pattern Real Work Example
Figure 1: A real world example of Adapter Design Pattern. By using an adapter you can use the rounded corner socket.

Software Engineering Examples
  • ADO.Net SqlAdapter
  • MySqlAdapter
  • OracleAdapter
When to Use:
  • We want to allow two classes to work together.
  • When we don't want to break clients that are using the adaptee class. This very important in api that has several versions;
  • We want preserve Open/Close Principle;
  • When we are using third party api and we can't edit the codes;
  • When we want to extend the functionality of existing class.
UML Class Diagram

Class/Interface Description
ITarget An interface defines the properties and methods to be implemented by the Adapter.
Adapter A concrete class that ITarget interface. It handles communication between the client and the adaptee.
Adaptee This contains the functionality but it can be use by client because it's incompatible. The existing class.
Client It uses/consumes the adaptee through the adapter.

Sample Implementation

This is a sample application that uses Adapter Design Pattern to allow a legacy code to be use by client that uses strongly type variables. We can call this Book Order application.

The legacy code reads and parse xml files (books ordered) and stores it arraylist then finally gives to a client that uses it. We want the result to be strongly type because arrays are difficult to handle. Adaper Design Pattern solves this problem.

Download Source Code

The Project Structure

The BookOrder.xml is stored in bin/debug folder.

UML Class Diagram

Adapter Design Pattern Book Order
ITarget IGetBookOrder
Adapter BookOrder
Adaptee GetXMLBookOrder
Client Program

The Order class is use for storing data.

The Codes


The Adapter

The Adaptee

The Client


The Output

Hope this is helpful. Thanks for viewing. Your thoughts!